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Finishing Singapore 5B - move to MUS?


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Okay so we have been using Singapore Math (US Edition) and we really, really like it. Just coming to the end of 5B and thinking about switching over to Math U See for the rest of school. I hear that it is good with review, one thing I really struggle to add in to Singapore. Said DD is not naturally mathy, and maths is not my thing either :/ so from what I have been reading about the two programs, MUS would be a better option for us? Am I right? Should we switch over to MUS? I do have 6A and B waiting in the cupboard, but I could use them with my other children. I knew we would need to change to something other than Singapore, either after 5 or 6.


In our country, grade 7 begins high school - that is only five months away.


Comparing what we are doing in Singapore to what she would be doing here in public schools, the work is the equivalent of grade 7 work. I had always planned on switching to some other math program at the end of 5 or 6. Ideally, the program we choose for grade 7 will be the one I'd like to stick with through the rest of high school.


Looking at reviews on MUS, sounds like it would be ideal for DD. 


I also have Math Mammoth Blue series and thought we could use that to supplement. 


But I really need one program for her that covers review and helps her to continue moving forward without feeling defeated.

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I absolutely would not use MUS for high school math.  If you are wanting something that incorporates review that also has a video element, I would recommend TT over MUS.  Or you could use Saxon (which isn't my favorite but it gets the job done).  Derek Owens offers solid high school courses from prealgebra on up (and your daughter is probably ready for his prealgebra if she was successful with Singapore 5AB) but he doesn't have a systematic review.  The Lial books have a cumulative review after each chapter.  


The only reason I'd use MUS for high school would be if my child had special needs and could not be successful with another program (and I say this as a person who found the MUS elementary levels to be pretty good).

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If you "really, really like Singapore," I cannot imagine that you would like MUS.  MUS is about the polar opposite of Singapore.  It just touches the surface of high school math topics. My kids use MUS algebra and geometry as pre-alg and pre-geometry.  


Yeah, I get what you are saying. Over the years, I had thought that MUS looked rather boring compared to what we were using.


As I am looking for what to move onto, knowing that most people move on after 5 or 6, I thought MUS might be the way to go for her. From what I have read its a get it done type maths, with built in review? Is that right?


I just find it frustrating (have for a few years now), that there just doesn't seem to be enough practice or review for some students. I feel like we just learn a topic, then we are onto another topic. By the time the first topic comes up either in a review or just to go deeper, the concepts haven't been retained. I know that maths is only going to become more difficult. This is probably why I am looking at getting a program that is going to be as painless as possible.


Maybe it's that I am thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence :/


I have been quite unsettled with our choice of math for DD for nearly two years now. At the beginning of 2015 and 2016, I tried two different maths programs (they were both written in our country, Australia). Thinking that we would move onto Australian maths for high school. Both programs were a flop. So after ten weeks, each time, we went back to Singapore. If we didn't try those other programs, she would most likely be near finishing 6B. 


Anyway, I am really not sure what to do for her maths...

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I absolutely would not use MUS for high school math.  If you are wanting something that incorporates review that also has a video element, I would recommend TT over MUS.  Or you could use Saxon (which isn't my favorite but it gets the job done).  Derek Owens offers solid high school courses from prealgebra on up (and your daughter is probably ready for his prealgebra if she was successful with Singapore 5AB) but he doesn't have a systematic review.  The Lial books have a cumulative review after each chapter.  


The only reason I'd use MUS for high school would be if my child had special needs and could not be successful with another program (and I say this as a person who found the MUS elementary levels to be pretty good).


I was interrupted several times while replying so I didn't see your message earlier.


Thanks for your opinion on MUS. 


Is TT good enough for HS? I get that some kids just need to do math for every day living, whereas others need to major in maths topics. I don't think my DD needs to major in maths. Hope that makes sense :/


I wondered about Saxon. I will go and check it out.

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Singapore is a mastery program.  Most high school programs are by nature cumulative.  You continue to use the skills you have studied b/c the subsequent skills build on the previous concepts.  My kids have always used a spiral math program for elementary school math and have had no problem maintaining previous concepts in your typical high school math text.

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Is TT good enough for HS? 


TT is adequate.  It's not the strongest program in the universe, but I'd use it over MUS.  In fact, I did use their geometry (old edition) with my son, and it was solid--not honors level, but it got the job done.


That said, I don't like the automated grading feature (which they didn't have for geometry when we used it).  I think it encourages kids to try to do things in their heads that they should be writing out as well as sloppy work habits when they actually do write something down.  It also makes them answer oriented rather than process oriented (don't get me wrong, answers are important, but how you get there is also important, especially in high school math).  So all of this is to say that I wouldn't use the automated grading feature.

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Singapore is a mastery program.  Most high school programs are by nature cumulative.  You continue to use the skills you have studied b/c the subsequent skills build on the previous concepts.  My kids have always used a spiral math program for elementary school math and have had no problem maintaining previous concepts in your typical high school math text.


All this time I thought Singapore was spiral, not mastery... Would you mind explaining to me how it is mastery?

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Sorry that this is a slight tangent, but what is the usual follow on from Singapore Primary? We are only on 2A but hope to stick with it through the elementary years. Have always wondered what comes next though.


OP, would you maybe find that taking some time to do some review from the Extra Practice and Intensive Practice (from 4 and 5 AB) books would help? Maybe the next few months before going into 6A?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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