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Leaving FB


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If the facebook group in question would at least change their main page settings to "public", non-fb-members should be able to see what's going on in a given day/updates in real time without having to sign in, right?  We just can't post our own comments.  Doesn't help with the RSVP problem, but it's an improvement.



I don't think so. I think groups won't show, only public 'pages' do.... 




I make some of our field trips public when I set up the event page - this makes the content viewable by anyone on or off FB.  I don't go out of my way to invite people who aren't on FB (on my friends list or on the homeschool page, which is private), but I tell others to feel free to invite people who they think may be interested.  

If, after the RSVP date, there is reason to, I will change it to private. 

Other events are private from the beginning, for various reasons.  


Anyway, that doesn't answer anything about public pages, but that's what we do for events.

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Those of you with privacy concerns, you realize you are posting on the biggest, public homeschool board, right?

Most of is aren't posting using our real full names, locations, connections to other people with their full names, etc. It's rather anonymous here. (Ok, yeah, I realize most people could figure out who *I* am, but...)

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