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Getting on waiting list for charter school (JAWM?)


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Have you spoken to the charter?  Do you know how far down the list your child will be?


Around here, there really wouldn't be prayer of getting in for a decent school at this late date.  Lotteries are in February and applications were due in January.


I personally would suggest you get your kids on it for next year even if you are just THINKING about it.  That may give you options for next year.

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Christian content now... when God allows you to be in a situation that you would not choose and feel you have no ability to handle, will he somehow give you what it takes? Because I do not have what it takes to do this. 


Yes, whatever situation you are in, God will give you what you need.  That is His nature.  He loves His children and He knows what we need.  Before my oldest son was born, I was pretty certain I could never handle a special needs child.  Much less one with huge medical problems.  But, that is what I got.  Honestly, it's been amazing the stuff I just "knew" to do.  Has it always been easy?  NO WAY! But, His grace has gotten me through to the point where I can still find joy in the day to day.  I find that to be the amazing part - I can still find joy.  I also know that sometimes there are things we just can't handle alone.  That's where I've had to find support for me through Christian friends (I've never found that help to be in one particular church but in the "church" meaning a larger group of interdenominational people).  


The biggest thing that keeps me going is that I know I can't see the bigger tapestry that is being formed around me.  For example, sometimes, I feel like I got the color black.  I think, "What a stinky color".  But what I can't see is the larger picture being formed around my stinky color and that's a beautiful tapestry.   God WILL work out all things together for good for those who love Him.  It's a promise.  You may not see it now, but you will see it.  My seeing it may not happen in this lifetime and it's grace to be OK with that.

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