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Learning Minecraft Modding

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I'm looking into options for helping DS9 learn Minecraft modding. I've heard great things about the Youth Digital course, but even at a discounted price, I'm leery to start out spending that much money on something that he may not really want to stick with. That price tag would be more "Christmas gift" territory for us.


Has anyone's kids had success with any of the less expensive options out there?

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Has he already done other programming? You could start with Scratch (super easy to start with because you don't even need to install anything, you just do it on the website). We like using these two books to start out:

Super Scratch

Learn Scratch


I also just got this as our next programming step

Hello, App Inventor!


I'm interest in Minecraft programming for DS, also, but Scratch is a super easy (and cheap) way to start and get some of the basic logic concepts down.

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Has he already done other programming? You could start with Scratch (super easy to start with because you don't even need to install anything, you just do it on the website). We like using these two books to start out:

Super Scratch

Learn Scratch


I also just got this as our next programming step

Hello, App Inventor!


I'm interest in Minecraft programming for DS, also, but Scratch is a super easy (and cheap) way to start and get some of the basic logic concepts down.


Yes, he has already done quite a bit with Scratch, and is a bit bored with it.  I'm sure he hasn't taken that to the full extent possible, but he is SUPER interested in Minecraft modding, so I am looking for options in that direction. 


ETA:  He just finished a typing program, which I said was a pre-req for him to learn modding (Since I am assuming actual typing will be required for real modding), so now that he has finished the learn-to-type program I feel like I need to come through on my end with at least some kind of option to work on modding.

Edited by kirstenhill
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Ahhh, I see.

How about trying a book like this then? I have it on my Wishlist but haven't bought it yet, so I can't review it myself. But maybe this could get you started more cheaply than a mod class?

Learn to Program with Minecraft

And these too -

Minecraft Modding for Kids

Adventures in Minecraft

Thanks for the ideas. I've looked at a bunch on Amazon too, I was just curious if anyone had tried them and had experience to share.

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We have used several of the Youth Digital classes, and they are really fantastic and worth the price. My 15 yr old has done several over the last two years, and my 11 yr old is going through one now as well.


We have used the book Learn to Program with Minecraft, and my 15 yr old finds it hard to follow, even after completing several Youth Digital courses with top marks, so I wouldn't suggest it.


We haven't tried anything else yet, so I can't speak to those things. I would suggest checking out a book from the library before buying, though, if you decide to go with a book.

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We have used several of the Youth Digital classes, and they are really fantastic and worth the price. My 15 yr old has done several over the last two years, and my 11 yr old is going through one now as well.


We have used the book Learn to Program with Minecraft, and my 15 yr old finds it hard to follow, even after completing several Youth Digital courses with top marks, so I wouldn't suggest it.


We haven't tried anything else yet, so I can't speak to those things. I would suggest checking out a book from the library before buying, though, if you decide to go with a book.

My 7.5 year old has loved the Youth Digital Mod Design I class. If you decide to sign up, this referral code will get you $75 off.




That said, also check HSBC and Groupon for discount codes.

Edited by SeaConquest
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