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This is a whine & a rant about Korean barbecue--only for the VERY patient...

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Dh just called to see if I wanted some Korean barbecue. Background:


1. Dh came down w/ the stomach thing on Sat. I got it...what day is this now? Thursday? I got it Tuesday. Had fever & chills all day yesterday. Woke up nauseous again this AM.


2. I worked like mad to keep the house spotless while dh was sick so that when I got it (hoped not to, but planned for the worst, kwim?), the house wouldn't be overwhelming. As luck would have it, though, we were not sick at the same time, so since dh was handed a clean house, & healthy kids, well...


3. So dh had a test today, & was going to call because he knew I still wasn't feeling well. He called from a mariachi-riddled picnic where they're serving something rich & foreign. Ftr, I eat really, REALLY plain food when I'm well. You know in My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding when Tula's dad complain's that her in-laws are plain toast people? That's me. I feel sicker at just the thought.


4. The dc are a little rotten from spoiling. They've had several days of movies & no responsibility. You know how that is. So they were watching ANOTHER movie this AM when one of them started crying. I went in there--to the room that I just cleaned. out. the. closets. 2 days ago, & I could hardly open the door. Their floor is covered in toys, trash, pillows, blankets, etc. It smells. How could it SMELL in that amt of time????


Anyway, I tell them to turn off the movie & pick it up, & pretty soon, I hear the movie on again. Now, these are generally really good kids, so part of me is aghast. Part of me thinks, what did I expect? So I bring them in here, get them shaped up, 10 min at a time, better attitudes, clean clothes, etc. After 10 min of play time, they were sent to UNLOAD the dw. UNLOAD.


It was in the middle of that debacle, the tears, the outraged 1yo (who's just generally outraged, lol), the 5yo who's discovered 1yo's expression of outrage (pumping broken crayons 1 at a time into the stereo speaker thingie), & baby's sudden discontent that dh called me w/ mariachis blaring in the background to ask if I wanted Korean barbecue.


He has been reinstructed to bring 1) quarters for the laundry!!!!!!!! and 2) ginger ale. Help me be nice. :glare:

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The kids will grow up but unfortunately men don't!!! And when I am sick, which by the way, is seldom...our world is thrown soooo out of kilter! When he is sick, he takes the meaning of helpless to a whole new meaning.


Hope all returns to a peaceful and well time soon!

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