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Vacuum broke. Need housecleaning ideas.

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My son messed up the vacuum and I haven't been able to get it replaced yet. We are going on 3 weeks of not vacuuming, I have a child with major dust mite allergies--and is begining to react--and company coming for a few days. :banghead: I need ideas on how to clean or dust to get rid of some dust without vacuuming.


I am open to anything at this point! I also might get to borrow a vacuum, but still feel I need a bit extra help!


Thank you in advance for your ideas!

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You can sweep a carpet with a broom. Just turn it side ways and sweep HARD and you can get most stuff off a carpet. I used to do it all the time when I was young (and very poor) and still had carpet. I have since ripped all the carpet out of my house. I really hate carpet, it never seems to really get clean, vaccume or no.


It will kick up a lot of dust and will wear you out but it does work. I would wait to dust the furniture until you have finished sweeping the carpet because of the dust that will be kicked up.

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I use a brush and shovel because it's actually less frustrating than using our lousy vacuum cleaner that overheats before I even finish the loungeroom. That only deals with crumbs and some dust, so I think you'd better borrow a vacuum cleaner from a neighbour.


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