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Supplement math for Public Schooler

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DS will be going into 8th grade in the fall. He has had his school's version of Algebra 1. He has a math tutor this summer who is going through the AOPS Intro to Algebra with him through Chapter 10 to make sure he has a solid foundation. ( his algebra grades were great, BUT it was a young teacher's first year teaching it and I'm not sure if he got what he needed) the summer has been going well according to his tutor. He is naturally mathy and catches on easily, but of all math I think Algebra is the least natural for him. Geometry will be his strong suit. He is very interested in logic and probability.and statistics.


I would like him to continue with AOPS, but I'm not sure how much he can handle during the school year - or what would be most beneficial to him. He doesn't have any real plan yet, but given his past interests I want to make certain he is prepared for college level engineering and/or architecture math. To do that in our HS system is possible, but takes some extra outside work.


In addition, our county is changing back from the spiral type Math 1, Math 2, to the more traditional Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Pre Cal, Calc. But in 8th grade, this hasn't changed yet and he will taking HS Math 1. And I'm not exactly sure what that includes at this point.


I was thinking of having him try the Intro to Counting this fall, and then Number Theory in the spring. But then wondered if I should just try the second Algebra and let him get what he could out of it in preparation for having it in public school?


Any thoughts or suggestions?

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We ended up doing most our of after-school math supplementing during the summer (it continues). It is quite warm here and we hide inside most of the summer anyways. DS likes to have some free time during the school year. He is smart but just average on the "go-getter"  scale.


You could supplement a few AoPS problems each week related to the topic being covered at school.

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In addition, our county is changing back from the spiral type Math 1, Math 2, to the more traditional Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Pre Cal, Calc. But in 8th grade, this hasn't changed yet and he will taking HS Math 1. And I'm not exactly sure what that includes at this point.


That is just bad planning on the school districts part the whole cohort should do one or the other. A few transition years where they offer both paths.

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