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another question about my blog.

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sorry to bring it up again, but here is my question. i think MIL and other extended family would like to read about our family goings on on my blog. but i am afraid that sometime i am going to accidentally post or want to post something that i wouldn't want them to read. did anyone else have that fear? if you have a blog..did you tell your family all about it, or keep it just for the annonymous blogging community? if you want to see my new blog: http://ohio12.blogspot.com/.

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my family knows about my blog, tho only my father ever reads it. Still, I am very careful about what I say on my blog, I really don't want to insult anyone and start a feud or something. (just my luck, the one time I let myself go, the offending party would read it or something...:glare: I go through times when I wish I hadn't told my family about it...I have some great stories about my crazy step-family no one would believe...:lurk5:but I did start it with the hope of my family knowing more about my kids and our lives, they never ask questions, so they know little about us.


If your going to make fun of family or family situations, don't tell them about it, or start another blog and keep it secret.


just my 2 cents...:D

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The point of my blog is to keep out of town relatives up to date with dd's happenings. Dh did not want dd's picture on the web, so my blog is closed unless I send an invite. Since I am focused on the life of dd, I don't really comment on my own doings. This helps to have a focus, because I would love to vent about certain relatives at times.:tongue_smilie:

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My family does not know about my blog, and I aim to keep it that way (well, my in-this-house family knows about it, but they aren't allowed to read it -- see my signature.;) My extended family does not know about it).


Not sure why I'm fine with strangers reading it, but I don't want family reading it . . . but that's the way it is.:001_smile:

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