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Do you have a foods that you typically serve in summer that you are looking forward to?


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That goes both ways.  In March we had freezing temps, in April we had freezing temps and in May we had lots of freezing temps (far more than most years).  What I wouldn't have given to have any kind of fresh produce those months.  Strawberries just started in the last few days here but due to the high temps we are now having they say the season will be very short and could be over by next week.




We must be geographically close. ;)


It feels like a greenhouse here and my garden is responding.



Zucchini boats - Take a big zucchini, split in half, scoop the guts, top with sauce, pizza toppings, and cheese - grill, bake, broil, etc. 


Kohlrabi - the only place to get them is  your own garden that I know of - sliced & sprinkled with salt.


I forgot about baby potatoes and fresh pea soup - creamed.  

Sliced cucumbers, dill, and vinegar



I think my absolute favorite summer food is tiny yellow pear tomatoes, still warm from the sun, halved and sprinkled with salt.  Happy place.

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In season watermelons and tomatoes - we eat 2-4 watermelons a week usually. :D

Using the grill for almost every single meal - these are the things I live for in the summer.


Yes, and watermelons.  Today I bought a 20 lb one and I ate 1/3 by myself.  Now that corn is coming it will be corn and watermelon all day long.

Edited by GloriaMS
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