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Struggling reader and flash cards


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I wanted to let others know what worked for my 9 year old. I tried several different approaches and he was learning the phonics for the most part, but was continuing to sound out every single word even after reading them dozens of times over and over again in beginner books. We were running out of beginning readers and he was getting frustrated and discouraged reading books obviously meant for young readers.


So I got sight word flash cards. He could slowly sound out most of them, but I wanted him to read them without having to sound them out. He has worked really hard and can now read all the words in the first 2 box sets. Yay for him!


Anyway, I wanted to share this because it helped him. He knew his phonics, he could spell phonetically and do a great job with that, but recognizing the word automatically during reading was just not happening. He needed to read those words several times per day and beginning readers just didn't give him enough repetition. Who knew, flash cards worked.


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Have you seen Dancing Bears Reading?  It's worth looking into as you move forward.  It is written for dyslexic students in the UK, so it has a very different style than most currics marketed to homeschoolers.  The stories are odd, but the lessons work very well for kids who need more.

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He could sound out words, but it just wasn't becoming automatic for him, so I didn't think a new program was really necessary, just extra practice seeing the words. So I gave flashcards a try, and it really clicked. I just wanted to share in case someone else's struggling reader was having a similar issue with needing extra practice. It was also more economical for us to go that route.


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