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My Christmas Gift Idea for this year

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My children have way to much stuff! Instead of more toys and things they will play with for a day and then toss to the side, I am giving them a "Year of Fun." I am getting them each a small suitcase and a family membership to the museum (reciprical at ones nationwide). I am coming up with creative ways to wrap certificates good for vacations - a water park hotel, a cabin at the State Fair, and visiting with family and sightseeing in Minneapolis and Iowa, and Grandma and Grandpa's in Indiana. Every other month we will go on a short trip. In May they each get new bikes - they would have needed them anyway, but it's more fun to make it part of the gift. I am excited about the family time we will get. They will still get toys and stuff from family and friends, but I think this will be a Christmas they remember.

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My children have way to much stuff! Instead of more toys and things they will play with for a day and then toss to the side, I am giving them a "Year of Fun." I am getting them each a small suitcase and a family membership to the museum (reciprical at ones nationwide). I am coming up with creative ways to wrap certificates good for vacations - a water park hotel, a cabin at the State Fair, and visiting with family and sightseeing in Minneapolis and Iowa, and Grandma and Grandpa's in Indiana. Every other month we will go on a short trip. In May they each get new bikes - they would have needed them anyway, but it's more fun to make it part of the gift. I am excited about the family time we will get. They will still get toys and stuff from family and friends, but I think this will be a Christmas they remember.

I like your idea. Maybe next year we'll do that instead of what we've got planned this year.


Our kids have already been told -- No More Toys!!! (except the baby, of course!)


I'm talking about the plastic toys with many parts that get lost by the end of the day and then they're never played with again, ever. But they somehow are strewn bit by bit all over the house for endless shuffling them from one corner to another.


Instead we're doing tools. DS's are getting real tool boxes with real tools and kits for birdhouses for the backyard. DD's are getting tools in their areas of interest, a sewing machine & a telescope.


And instead of getting 3 gifts this year, it will be 1 --with lots of parts.

The telescope comes with some books on astronomy and identifying star system. Sewing--material, sewing kit, and a patttern. Tools - build a birdhouse kit and a book on what each tool is for.


The baby is getting a toy kitchen with her own pots and pans. :) Maybe I can keep her from carting off mine.

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This is a great idea!!


Are you looking for ways to wrap these?


What about wrapping each gift with a page from a calendar? For the bikes, I might even buy a little toy bike and wrap it with the May page.


For Jan, what about giving them a photo album for the year of fun? Or a disposable camera and a picture frame? My dc loved those when they were younger!


Are there any one day art classes you could sign them up for? One of the craft stores used to have these around here.


My parents sent money last year and we signed the girls up for gymnastics for 6 weeks in Jan/Feb. It was a great winter sport.


Do you have room for a garden? What about garden supplies or seeds?


Baking supplies like unusual cookie cutters and recipes?


I'll keep thinking!

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