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Parent Access to Grades


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I am finding a 2.0 doesnt reflect what the student learned in the subject. Its more a reflection of executive functioning and learning what it takes to master the subject, combined with the pocketbook. All it takes for a 2.0 is to bomb one test, then get a B on the other one and the cumulative final. Bombing the first test when you have never studied that subject at a true high school level is common now that middle class high schools have dropped AP/honors level. Some kids will drop the course after test one, others just buckle down and take the D+ or C-, and then bag the A in the subsequent class. They retake the first course later to boost the gpa or meet a core min requirement. The learning curve to transition to study at the college level is steep. A lot of people will say that type of kid should go to CC first, but CC is too easy. They can 4.0 CC and need to be at the U to get the challenge.


I completely agree that it does not take much to get a C in one course. But this was about graduation requirements. An occasional C, particularly at the beginning, is something different that solid Cs (or a bunch of Ds balanced by a bunch of Bs) for the entire four years in all courses​- the latter would have me question the student's aptitude for his chosen field.

Edited by regentrude
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