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Mind of an inventor....

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I apologize in advance if this should have been posted in a different place.  I couldn't decide.

My nearly 13 year old son seems to have the mind of an inventor.  Many people have expressed this.  He honestly drives me a little crazy.  LOL  He does impress me with the way his mind works, his determination, and lack of fear of failure.  I have often said he is at his best when he has his next great idea and is focused on it; otherwise, he tends to bother his siblings and get in trouble. :D


I am wondering how best to support him as he gets older.  I am not sure if there are things I should have on hand or specific courses or books that should be available to him.  Do I just continue to follow his lead?  He doesn't come across as an exceptional student, and he doesn't always apply himself to bookwork.  (He is easily distracted by his great ideas.)


Any thoughts?


Thank you.

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