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Anyone else have a problem using Prodigy Game?

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I've seen it recommended so much that I finally tried using it with DS. It doesn't work at all on our iPad mini because apparently it's too old but I also had problems using it on my iPad Air from 2014. Is that too old? Does anyone play it on an iPad? DS was having fun with it but it kept crashing or the sound would go out.

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I tried on my computer and it wouldn't let us enter an answer. It annoyed me since I'd just spent time registering and I get easily annoyed by computer stuff that doesn't work! I had planned to try again but I haven't yet. It wasn't what I'd expected so I haven't been too eager to try again. Maybe I will some day this summer.

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Are you using the app or the browser on your iPad?


Ds uses the app on his iPad from 2013 (the model prior to Air). He has had a few issues with the background not changing to white when the question pops up. He has discovered he can fix it when it happens (I'm not sure exactly what he does. Something about selecting a pencil and swiping up from the bottom.)

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If you are having trouble on a PC, maybe try a different browser? On our computers, it works in Chrome but not Firefox for some reason!

Chrome was the browser I used. I'll try a different one if I can't get it to work next time.

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