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Thanks y'all...

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A number of people have sent me little notes privately encouraging me while I wait for this baby to be born. I'm not really sure how to respond to all of them, with this new board technology, so I'll just say it here. Thanks, I really appreciate it. We're at the not fun stage and I'm trying to be patient, which I'm not doing totally successfully. (Let's just say the pan that flew out the door this morning was not me in a good state and I've been shedding the tears several of you assured me were necessary to bring it on.) I'm just hoping that it's over soon or that I wake up in jolly full-blown labor and forget the last few days.


So thanks again, I really appreciate your notes.

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Two of mine were that late, Elizabeth. I know it's hard, but it will be over soon. And you'll have a baby to enjoy in place of all of this discomfort and anticipation. (I guess you knew that part ;d).


Stay cool, stay hydrated, and rest. It's going to happen. It really is. (((OHEliz)))



:iagree: It wont be long now! Rest and drink!

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