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Does anyone "practice art" like they do a musical instrument?

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How does one "practice" art the way one practices music or sports?


For music, we practice piano, playing scales, technique, and repertoire.

For handwriting, DD practices strokes, letters, words, copywork, etc.

For gymnastics, DD does conditioning exercises, elements of skills, and skills themselves.


Each of these has an element of artistry and an element of physical skill. Doesn't art include both of those also?


So I was wondering, is there a school of art that advocates a "daily practice" approach to art? And if so, what do they practice daily? What fundamental skills and techniques underlie the skillful creation of art?


Some ideas I've come up with of what daily "art practice" could look like:

- drawing shapes (e.g. ellipse)

- drawing forms (e.g. sphere, cube)

- sketching a natural object using geometric shapes

- sketching a human form using geometric shapes

- shading a monochromatic value gradient with different media (e.g. pencil, pastel, watercolor)

- shading a value gradient from one color to another with different media

Other ideas?


On one hand, this seems like a crazy way to approach art, but in another way, it seems to make total sense. After all, every other physical/artistic endeavor seems to be regarded as something to be practiced, so why is art any different?


I guess what I'm looking for is a "Suzuki Method for Art". Is there such a thing?

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Yes, mine used The Drawing Textbook when they were young and worked all the way through it.


My older one ended up taking drawing in college (had to have a fine arts credit), and he aced it along with the art majors. The advisor questioned his choice of class because they have another one for less artsy people. He had to keep a sketchbook and draw at least an hour a day for three days a week during that class in addition to the class projects.


My younger one will have two credits in studio art when she graduates a year from now, and she's kept a daily sketchbook for years. She also does a lot of oil painting on her own.


Once you graduate from the basic exercises, it's expected that you're going to draw on a regular basis for certain branches of art to keep the rendering skills ready.

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I tend to assign classes based on the child's "specialty." My child who aspires and has the aptitude to be a professional artist practices art daily.  Each child has a checklist of classes for each day. One of her "classes" is to select and study from one of her art class options (Mark Kistler, TheVirtualInstructor, etc.) I am more likely to select electives for her that focus on merchandising. Her brother who is hoping to be a programmer or engineer is assigned programming classes. My ASD child is assigned electives focusing on brain development, social interaction and psychology.

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