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Starting NOEO with a 4th grader?

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I am currently using Bio 1 with a 4th and 1st grader but if all I had was my 4th grader I'd still use level 1. I think the book choices are still great for a 4th grader and if he wants more then we can easily add additional readers and such from the library, our home library or our favorite place... Barnes and Noble.


I think level one would be fine for a 4th grader unless they are extremely advanced in the Science arena. Also I think any area (Bio, Chem or Physics) would be fine, there is no particular need to do them in any specific order.

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I'm doing chem 2 with a 4th grader. It is heavy abstract stuff, but she likes it. My 7th grader would hate it! In fact I tried to use it with her last year as a 6th grader and she kept begging to go back to BJU (which we did). Youngest liked it, so we continue.


I would say teach to the interest. If your 4th grader has a preference, teach to that. You cant do it in the wrong order anyway. Go slower. Dont attempt to do it independently. Do the experiments.

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For 4th grade, I would do level II. I have not even seen a level II course yet, but I have all three level I courses. Chem I or Physics I would probably be okay for 4th, but Bio I in particular seems more early elementary to me. Of course whatever level you choose, you can tweak it to be harder or easier depending on what you require for output. We still mostly just do the reading, talk about it, and do experiments. We write up experiments, but I haven't really done other notebooking, narrating, etc. I could make it harder just by requiring my dd to do more with it.

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Which should I choose???? Bio, Chem, or Phy? I or II? Gosh, the website was no help at all. We are currently using Calvert Science, so most anything is a step in another direction. Thanks!


The level II books are intended to be Jr. High and older. They in fact intend the student to write their own experiments.


While the author recommends you do Chemistry first I would do Biology because it is more concrete, which would work better for a 4th grader.




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