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How do you find a babysitter?

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I have no babysitter. I have no relatives to watch the kids. I need a babysitter.


My mom friends can sometimes help out in a pinch, but they aren't available for anything regular. They don't have any sitters to refer me to because they use grandmas, aunts, sisters, and cousins for babysitting.


So how do I find someone? I read those ads in the paper and get squeamish. Can I confidently hire a sitter from an ad? How will I know I won't end up on 20/20?


Where else can I look?


I don't want to have to go through all the hassle. But, I have to.


A little help would be much appreciated!

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Guest cristina

I have a trusting friend here who is also a hser and who keeps the kids in a pinch. What I sometimes do is swap with a family in our church. That way I take the money I would pay a babysitter and I spend it on a nice meal with my hubby. :)


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Yes, you can hire a sitter from an ad. Ask lots of questions, and definitely ask for references. (Not reference letters, either, but call people to hear what they say about the sitter, and listen for what they don't say. People don't like to say bad things about other people, so you need to be able to hear if someone is slightly hesitant about recommending the sitter.)


If you want to place ads yourself, try the local college, especially the Early Childhood Ed department.


If at all possible, plan for the sitter just to spend some time with your kids, with you out of the room, but still within earshot, so you can hear how she interacts with them.

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Well, I got my babysitting job (about every other weekend) from a craigslist ad. But most of my babysitting kids (when I did at home daycare) were gotten from word of mouth. Have you asked other homeschool parents? Maybe y'all could even set up a babysitting co-op? or use teens from the congregation if you have one? Though they may also have stipulations (for example, my daughter only likes to watch kids in our home).


Anyway, there are a few ideas for ya.

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The best one (we've had her since K was a baby) is the granddaughter of the lady across the street. The family also goes to our church, so I know a lot of her relatives and her mom was very involved for the first year or so until both sides were really comfortable. She's a senior this year, so I think we're about to lose her. Since I know that's coming, I've been considering our friends & aquaintances and plan to ask R's speech therapist if her dd babysits. Again, I know the family and will try some smaller steps before leaving her for a few hours or a bedtime. My point is, if you look around you may find someone you hadn't considered before.


Also, ask local friends with kids who they use - if you've already asked your close friends, ask the other moms you see at the soccer games or ballet class. As long as you're not competing for the same night, they will likely be happy to give a good recommendation - I was glad to "advertise" for ours, because she's a very responsible girl who deserves the chance to earn some extra money and I knew it would help the friend who was asking. You might also try the highschool guidance office or homeschool organization if there's one nearby.

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I've used Sittercity.com with limited success. Also Craigslist & word of mouth. Actually, all with limited success. The best babysitter (we've known her since she was 12) we had to fire for six months b/c (at age 17) I came home early and found a guy in the house. We hired her back, made her sign a contract & monitored her more. Now she just told us she's moving to N. Carolina so we're forced to find another (I work part time, so need someone on a regular basis). I hate, hate, hate the thought of going through this again. At least with sittercity, the background is done for you. Good Luck!

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I have a trusting friend here who is also a hser and who keeps the kids in a pinch. What I sometimes do is swap with a family in our church. That way I take the money I would pay a babysitter and I spend it on a nice meal with my hubby. :)



I would love to swap with people at church! They all live too far away (we commute to church).


I tried swapping babysitting with other moms in my mom's group. Only one wanted to, and then she acted as if the whole thing was just too stressful for her to do again. I guess everyone else dreads coordinating these things as much as I do. What day?, How long will it be for?, Are you sure you don't mind?, Does that work for you?, Is there a better day?, My house or yours?, Are you sure you don't mind? Were my kids ok for you?, Do you want to do this again next month?

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Yes, you can hire a sitter from an ad. Ask lots of questions, and definitely ask for references. (Not reference letters, either, but call people to hear what they say about the sitter, and listen for what they don't say. People don't like to say bad things about other people, so you need to be able to hear if someone is slightly hesitant about recommending the sitter.)


If you want to place ads yourself, try the local college, especially the Early Childhood Ed department.


If at all possible, plan for the sitter just to spend some time with your kids, with you out of the room, but still within earshot, so you can hear how she interacts with them.


Thanks. I know I just have to bull my bootstraps up and do this. But, I'm going to whine here and say, "I dooooon't wanna!" It's a lot of nerve-wracking work for me. And, I've gone through it all before, just to have it not work out, which is a deterrent in itself. ugh

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Well, I got my babysitting job (about every other weekend) from a craigslist ad. But most of my babysitting kids (when I did at home daycare) were gotten from word of mouth. Have you asked other homeschool parents? Maybe y'all could even set up a babysitting co-op? or use teens from the congregation if you have one? Though they may also have stipulations (for example, my daughter only likes to watch kids in our home).


Anyway, there are a few ideas for ya.


You know, I have yet to find any homeschool parents in my local acquaintances. I should join a local group or something, now that I'm doing K4.

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Now she just told us she's moving to N. Carolina so we're forced to find another (I work part time, so need someone on a regular basis). I hate, hate, hate the thought of going through this again. At least with sittercity, the background is done for you. Good Luck!


I can't imagine all the parents who have to do this on a regular basis. I'm sure the nerve part gets easier - but the hassle? Probably not.

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I would say start with your local homeschool group.


My oldest daughter is called to babysit quite often by people who are either in our homeschool group, or know someone in our homeschool group and that's how her name comes up.


You could also try your church. My oldest works in the church nursery and that's helped her to put her name out there in 'babysitting circles' as well.


Edited to add: If you don't attend church, I'm sure it would still be appropriate to contact one in your neighborhood and tell them that you have young children and you're looking for a young person to babysit, etc.

Edited by hsmamainva
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