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Which Kingfisher corresponds with SOTW1?


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Do you mean the older, now very expensive edition or the newer edition? I think they're both included in the activity guide pages....


I mean is it the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia?




And is there a preferred one? Is the spendy one better?

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The older version of Kingfisher, which was not compressed, but written in paragraph form, was what was used in the original edition of WTM. I believe the cover of it was white. When everyone went crazy trying to get one because the newer version had the compressed text that was more difficult to outline from, prices for it went up to several hundred dollars for a single book.


The newer Kingfisher, with the red cover has compressed text, so isn't ideal for outlining. It is mentioned in the SOTW activity guide. I believe even this version has now been updated (don't recall the color of the book) and it might actually be that newest version, rather than the older one, that is also cited in SOTW Act Guide.



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