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Spelling Help… Switched from AAS to PZ and it's not 'sticking'


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Spelling help!! We used AAS thru level 3 and recently switched to Phonetic Zoo. AAS works buts wasn't getting done... Phonetic Zoo gets done but doesn't seem to be working... I don't want to switch back to AAS bc it's not independent... Any suggestions?

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How long have you been doing Phonetic Zoo?  And what does not working involve?

 We've been doing Phonetic Zoo since the first of the year. We do a lesson (or less) a week, right now he is on Lesson 7. The first day, he listens to the instructional CD and writes the words. The second day he does the same, both times he lets me know how many mistakes he's made and if there are any, we go over the rule/jingle and correct the words. The last day we do a "test" where I dictate the words to him. If the test includes words ONLY from that week's lesson, he gets them right. However, every few weeks I include words from the previous lessons, and very often he misses those. So something is not "sticking"...

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 We've been doing Phonetic Zoo since the first of the year. We do a lesson (or less) a week, right now he is on Lesson 7. The first day, he listens to the instructional CD and writes the words. The second day he does the same, both times he lets me know how many mistakes he's made and if there are any, we go over the rule/jingle and correct the words. The last day we do a "test" where I dictate the words to him. If the test includes words ONLY from that week's lesson, he gets them right. However, every few weeks I include words from the previous lessons, and very often he misses those. So something is not "sticking"...


Looking at the IEW website for Phonetic Zoo, they talk about having the teacher "present the rule" (introducing it, explaining a bit about the history of it and helping the student understand why a given animal was chosen to represent that rule, and spelling some of the words orally) and "present the small zoo card" to the student before the student moves to spelling the words from the CD.  And they have the students re-write *all* the words correctly from the "corrections" track before moving to the "compare and correct" step.  And to stay on a given lesson until they've gotten 100% correct twice in a row.


I can't tell from your description how much of an introduction to the rule you're doing; or if he's re-writing *all* the words as he hears the correct spelling, or if he's just checking without re-writing, and then re-writing the ones he got wrong; and it doesn't sound like you are aiming for 100% twice in a row, but for 100% once, before moving on.  If you aren't doing those things, then maybe you could give them a try and see if the extra practice helps.


Also, every fifth lesson is a personal lesson - you could bring in review words like you've been doing, but have him stay on that personalized lesson until he gets them all 100% correct twice in a row, so he gets more practice with them.

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It didn't work for my DS either. Then, I read an article from Marie (of AAS) talking about how some of the spelling 'rules' we were taught in school were wrong, and PZ teaches the one she used as an example. We switched back to AAS. I am trying R&S next year for something more independent as we add another student to the mix and another baby to the family. :-)

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