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Natural Mattress

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Dh found this company online, after rejecting a couple of other far more expensive options. It's owned by an older couple, Lloyd and his wife (Leanne, Lois, Louise?). Their son Larry works there too - all L names : )

Every mattress is custom made; ours arrived within less than two weeks.


They are quite personable on the phone, even inviting me and my dc to stop in for coffee if we're ever int the area, and to see how the mattresses are made :001_smile:


We've only had ours for a year, but so far it has served my dc very well. I'd say it does seem a little flatter than it was, but not enough to make a difference in terms of comfort. Lloyd will tell you that he and his wife still sleep on a mattress owned by his parents, which they estimate to be over 100 years old, so apparently their mattress has served them quite well also.


We've been very pleased with both the quality and the price, not to mention that the materials are all natural, with no chemical additives or pesticides in the mattresses. Let me know how you like yours if you decide to purchase one!

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We bought a wool mattress for our son. I love it. We bought it from Shepherd's Dream (Canadian Site) For an adult I would suggest buying the latex strips.


I read many great reports from those who purchased through this company http://organicgrace.com/node/699 They had a great sale on their latex mattresses at the time, but as I was importing it would have brought the price way up.

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And we love them! If I lie down to rest with my 6 yo ds at bedtime, I'm off to sleep in a wink! They are soooo comfortable!


High Pointe Coverings


I went to the link and looked around. I would love to try a mattress and most definitely a pillow.


As I was at their website, I noticed they're in Harmony, MN. I live about two hours from there. Harmony is an Amish community. I wonder if they have Amish ancestry.


I haven't been there in a few years, but what a good excuse to go visit! Thanks for sharing.

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Hi Frankie,


I'm sure Lloyd and his family will enjoy visiting with you. They'll probably invite you for coffee and give you a tour ;)


I'd love to take a field trip to see how the mattresses are made with my dc one day, but it's a much longer drive for us :auto:


When you go to see them I'd love to hear about it !

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