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Ideas for 10th Grade History?

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This is my first time planning through the four years of high school, so I'm just learning as I go. I let DS choose what to study for history this past year, and he picked WW2. (What a shock.) I expanded the studies to include WW1, as this lead into the other, and we cobbled together a nice year-long course.


Next year, I considered a standard one-year course in world history. But I am just not sure about cramming so much info into one year. I plan to look at BJU's and Notgrass's texts at our upcoming HS conference. So my first question is, how do you make a text like these into a credit-worthy course? Is there something better? Online is an option too but our online budget (not to mention schedule) is limited and I'd rather use it for Language Arts like we're doing.


Then I thought, maybe there's another period DS would like to study. So I asked him, and his answer was "How about the Korean and Vietnam wars?" Ha ha. More wars. What do you think? Make a full year course on these two wars? Would it look bad on a transcript if a survey of world history were missing? Like true WTM-ers, we did a ton of world history in K-8. I do plan on having him take US history sometime before graduation.


What else have you all done for a social studies credit?


Hope this makes sense. I'm trying to get this banged out before the hordes return from their errand with Dad.

Edited by birchbark
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History can be studied from many different angles.  When my ds was in school (public schooled high school), he took a class that was called American Conflicts.  The class was all about the wars the United States has been in, starting with the Revolutionary War and up.  They watched movies, read various books, had projects, and reports to do.   It was a very good American History course because in studying the wars they were also studying what events were happening leading  up to each war.   So maybe you could do a  different wars through history type course.  

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You could break a survey World History class into two years and go deeper into the study. You could take the AP exam at the end and get a possible 6 college credits. You could call a study on the Voetman and Korean War an interdisciplinary elective with some historical fiction/movie analysis thown into the mix. If you are aiming for college they are going to want to see a survey course of World History or World Cultures and US History, in my opinion.

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