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A Morning in the Bauer Home School by Susan Wise Bauer

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A Morning in the Bauer Home School by Susan Wise Bauer



It's late/early and i happend to be surfing.

I came accross the oneline news letters on the WTM page. I didnt' really know it was there. (It would be so cool if we could subscribe for updates).


Well after reading it I feel so much better.

As I settle into our first full year of hs'ing with the 8th grader the doubts were creeping in.


I find myself chasing her to do work. She's bright but often/most times It's like pulling teeth to get things done. I honestly just dont see any responsiblity or ownership in her learning.


After reading WTM i admired SWB and JW but I felt like I was up against impossible odds. I felt inside it was the right thing to do but how can I ever make it work?


Now i realize that it is a process and DD is only 12. I (hope) to teach her skills over the next 5 years that will leave her a competent and eager learner. She's no where near ready for college but we take it one day at a time.


we've be doing this for 6 months or so. I can't expect to turn around all the habbits she developed while she was in the school setting. She just didnt turn work in and i don't think they ever realized she's capable just lacks motivation and discipline.


She scores very high in standardized tests, mostly because she is a book worm. I just need to capitilize on that and engage her on topics she needs to and has interest in learning.


For now i take comfort in knowing that even SWB faces the same struggles that I am. Perhaps there *is* hope.


Now, If i can just find a way to teach logic symbols that doesn't cause her to have the 'blank stare'...

Edited by lwilliams1922
sorry for the typos - its late. :(
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