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Is WTM Biology considered an honors course?

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It's listed as a regular biology, but from what I've read it's pretty intensive. What would need to be added to it to make it an Honors class? 


My son is a STEM kid, he wants to take Honors Bio next year, but I can't find a suitable program. It needs to be secular, and rigorous. I'd love for him to take the Oak Meadow Honors Bio, but it's out of the budget.


It doesn't have to be an online course, but I'd prefer not parent intensive. I looked at Thinkwell and Plato and felt wasn't terribly impressed. 


He would also like to double up in science for freshman year, I was thinking Environmental Science...


Thank you!

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Not sure if it is considered Honors Bio but it is rigorous and the teacher is excellent. She is very organized and consistently updates the page to include extra resources for what they are studying. I know that my kid is currently doing more math in this Bio class (ratios of heredity?) than I ever did in my liberal arts college Bio class. The tests are challenging and the written answers are making my kid learn how to write suitable answers for scientific questions. Personally, I think it should be an honors level class but that is just my opinion which may not be as accurate. 

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Would AP Biology be taken the following year?  

The WTM Biology description looks like a Pre-AP (honors) Biology.


How about a Conceptual Physics course (Clover Creek or your own) to go with it instead of Environmental Science.

Take AP Environmental Science later on (it's not that hard).

I am a proponent of early Physics for STEM folks.

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Would AP Biology be taken the following year?  

The WTM Biology description looks like a Pre-AP (honors) Biology.


How about a Conceptual Physics course (Clover Creek or your own) to go with it instead of Environmental Science.

Take AP Environmental Science later on (it's not that hard).

I am a proponent of early Physics for STEM folks.


Physics is what he is interested in, but most of the classes I've looked at are geared towards upper class level. He would probably take 2 science classes a year (depending on course load) but I'm stuck in in the Bio, Chem, Physics train of thought....


I've never heard of Clover Creek....off to check it out!!! 

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Physics is what he is interested in, but most of the classes I've looked at are geared towards upper class level. He would probably take 2 science classes a year (depending on course load) but I'm stuck in in the Bio, Chem, Physics train of thought....


I've never heard of Clover Creek....off to check it out!!! 



Spots going fast run by a person who also posts here.

It has very good reviews.  

Edited by MarkT
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WTM Biology could definitely be called Pre-AP biology. My ds14 is taking it this year. My ds16 attends a public school and is also taking a class labeled Pre-AP Biology. My ds14 has more labs, more difficult tests, and more meaningful homework than my ds16 has. Ds14  will be prepared to move on to the next level, and I will label it Pre-AP on his transcript.

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