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Hoggirl...or anyone else with Chalkdust Pre-Algebra advice..Ch. 2 Integers

Laura in VA

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I wish I had kept my schedule (you know, the one that shows the length of the DVDs?) from Pre-Algebra, but I seemed to have misplaced it along the way. I always wrote to the side how many days we took to cover each section. I do know that integers and percentages (particularly the word problems) were quite difficult and took extra time. What math is your dd coming out of? My ds had been exposed to integers, but it was still difficult. One thing you might try is going on ahead to the multiplication and division problems and then heading back to addition and subtraction. Mult. and div. are really easier with integers than adding and subtraction, so it might build her confidence. Then you can go back and tackle the add. and sub. Is your dd the oldest? My ds is an only and is SUPER hard on himself, regardless of what I say. He is getting better, but he is still often unhappy if he doesn't "get" something immediately! I am sure that you are being positive and encouraging, but with that said, make sure YOU are not being anxious about her struggling. My ds is so sensitive to my emotions (probably b/c we are together so much), and he can really pick up if I am fretful about something. I would sometimes get tense when he would go past that "3 days" marker in math. I did get better as the year went on, b/c that 3 days is just an "average" amount of time that needs to be taken. Some sections only took a day and a half! She will get it. But, I still think moving to mult. and div. for a bit might help. You might also try a number line, though my ds was somewhat resistant to that. Does she like football? Gaining and losing yardage helped a bit, too.


Sorry I am not more helpful. That chapter is a bear and that year was hard for my ds, but he learned so much. Hang in there!



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