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People are going to start thinking we beat our kids

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My youngest (the dare-devil) has not had a very good week. It started last Wed., I was at a homeschool group meeting and I get a call from DH....our youngest had run up the stairs and straight into her room..and took a flying leap onto her bed....and hit her bookcase headboard! She had a HUGE knot and cut (luckily no bleeding) on her forehead. We stayed up with her keeping ice on it and of course keeping an eye on her. Then on Friday we went to the park for a Peace day party. (she is really into nature...dirt, trees, grass, etc.) Well she was using her foot to dig in the dirt at the edge of the picnic pavilion...and disturbed a red ant home...they started crawling all over her foot and leg and biting her. We got them off and put some medicine on the bites and calmed her down (explained that they were just scared and defending their home). So dh takes her over to the playground area. Pretty soon he comes walking back carrying her....he was pushing her on the swings and when she swung forward she let go of the swing and fell backwards...did a complete flip and landed on her stomach and face....big scrape on the forehead and lost her breath for a minute. So we decide to pack up and head home. Sat. we decided to do a farm tour thing that was going on. (you buy a button and get to visit all these farms). The last farm we went to was pretty trashy and the people did not seem to know anything about animals or farming...(they feed their cows soybean HULLS and Peanuts!!) Well, we were standing there and our youngest sees some ants and starts getting upset and asking DH to hold her. So, we explain what had happened that caused her to be scared and the guy starts saying how there is a fire ant hill right here...(walks over and points to this HUGE mound) Then he starts kicking and stomping on it and a MILLION, BILLION, TRILLION ants start SWARMING out of the hill...at this point dd is screaming and crying. So we just got in our car and left. THEN on Monday we go to our history co-op and the lady has a "L" shaped couch with a chaise and one end. DD comes in and goes to flop on the chaise and bangs her face (near the eye) on the hard part of the arm of the couch...another bruise...:glare:


Today we went to the History Museum for a class/tour about American Indians..and BOY, did I get some looks from people. All the bruises on her face are that nice yellowish/greenish color. Really, I swear....we do not beat our kids. :rolleyes:

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My youngest (the dare-devil) has not had a very good week. It started last Wed., I was at a homeschool group meeting and I get a call from DH....our youngest had run up the stairs and straight into her room..and took a flying leap onto her bed....and hit her bookcase headboard! She had a HUGE knot and cut (luckily no bleeding) on her forehead. We stayed up with her keeping ice on it and of course keeping an eye on her. Then on Friday we went to the park for a Peace day party. (she is really into nature...dirt, trees, grass, etc.) Well she was using her foot to dig in the dirt at the edge of the picnic pavilion...and disturbed a red ant home...they started crawling all over her foot and leg and biting her. We got them off and put some medicine on the bites and calmed her down (explained that they were just scared and defending their home). So dh takes her over to the playground area. Pretty soon he comes walking back carrying her....he was pushing her on the swings and when she swung forward she let go of the swing and fell backwards...did a complete flip and landed on her stomach and face....big scrape on the forehead and lost her breath for a minute. So we decide to pack up and head home. Sat. we decided to do a farm tour thing that was going on. (you buy a button and get to visit all these farms). The last farm we went to was pretty trashy and the people did not seem to know anything about animals or farming...(they feed their cows soybean HULLS and Peanuts!!) Well, we were standing there and our youngest sees some ants and starts getting upset and asking DH to hold her. So, we explain what had happened that caused her to be scared and the guy starts saying how there is a fire ant hill right here...(walks over and points to this HUGE mound) Then he starts kicking and stomping on it and a MILLION, BILLION, TRILLION ants start SWARMING out of the hill...at this point dd is screaming and crying. So we just got in our car and left. THEN on Monday we go to our history co-op and the lady has a "L" shaped couch with a chaise and one end. DD comes in and goes to flop on the chaise and bangs her face (near the eye) on the hard part of the arm of the couch...another bruise...:glare:


Today we went to the History Museum for a class/tour about American Indians..and BOY, did I get some looks from people. All the bruises on her face are that nice yellowish/greenish color. Really, I swear....we do not beat our kids. :rolleyes:


Oh dear :grouphug: all around. I totally understand. My DD is so not graceful and trips over *air* plus doing 2 sports non stop she is constantly banged up or limping. We don't beat her either I promise! ;)

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LOL! My oldest is a total klutz, like her momma. Seriosuly, she will fall off her chair, for no reason, runs into walls, etc. We quickly discovered that soccer, baseball and dance are just...well...not for her. Only kid we ever saw get hurt at *ballet*, not to mention the flailing arms and legs are a health hazard to the other kids!


So we put her in swimming, where there is nothing to get hurt on. She did run into a lane line and cut her nose once (coach said he'd never seen that happen before!) but thats it. Safe, cushiony water!


Some kids are just accident prone, I guess. heck, I fell down the stairs last weekend myself!


Hope your DD is feeling better soon, and I agree with her that fire ants are *horrid*. I'd scream, too!

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Oh man, we've had weeks like this too. My youngest in particular seems to bruise if you look at her funny.


It reminds me of something I read years ago in Reader's Digest or Good Housekeeping or something. A woman's young daughter had broken her arm and the running joke at their house became, "If you don't stop (insert action) then I'm going to break your other arm." So one day at the grocery store the girl, in her cast, is in a long line with her mom and fussing with the candy in the rack. The mom says, "Please stop playing with the candy." To which the kid replies in a nice, loud voice, "Or what, Mom? Will you break my other arm too?"

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