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What topics to cover in MS Health?

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I'm trying to make a list of health-related topics I need to make sure to cover now that dd is heading into adolescence. Until now, we've not done health as a school subject. We more or less cover what we need to cover as part of our daily life (hygiene, safety, nutrition, basics of puberty/sex, etc.). But I think at this age it might be good to make it a little more formal.


What topics have you covered as part of Health at this age? If you've used a curriculum or other resources you particularly like, feel free to share that too.

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A friend recommended this book last year, so I got it to use with my fifth and eighth graders because it made it very easy to have sheets for their portfolios.  It was okay.  I don't necessarily agree with all of the nutritional advice (so we skipped it), and some of it was just too silly; we didn't do the little projects, but I had the kids fill out a couple of the sheets, and it was easy and done.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1568222890?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage


It did include how to read a medicine bottle label, and I thought that was useful information for middle school that I might not have thought of otherwise, since my children are still young enough that they run all medicine requests through me.


I would spend some time discussing nutrition and how they feel after eating certain foods.  My kids reallllly need a good dose of protein in the mornings, and if they have mainly carbs, they feel it later, so I think it's good to discuss those specifics when they're at the age where they're starting to make food choices for themselves.  Much easier to say, "Hey, here's why you need protein/fats in the morning" beforehand, rather than, "You should have had some protein this morning instead of carbs" when they're getting tired and grumpy.


Any health issues that are applicable to your family.  So since I have a child who is allergic to bee stings, we discuss EpiPens and what to do if sibling is stung, especially if Mom or Dad aren't right there (like at a party or event -- my other children need to know that if sibling is stung, they need to have an adult call 911, not just offer sympathy.)  


Bike safety.


Alcohol and tobacco and drug use.  Which things are okay to use occasionally and responsibly when you're of an appropriate age and which things you should just plain avoid.  (Me to my kids: If you want to drink responsibly when you're older, fine.  Promise me you won't smoke cigarettes.  Ever.)


Internet safety.

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Nutrition, fitness, and self esteem. My daughter is a ballet dancer. Also, I noticed that if it was coming from someone that she admires, and not me, she would listen. So she is reading Bethany Hamilton's book for example, and I found her some appropriate youtubers who dance to follow. She gets excited to try new healthy recipes that she finds herself.

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