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He went to Harrod's


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DH went to Harrod's when he was in London and got me my valentines gift of amazing chocolate hearts and a heart shape wedgewood picture frame, made in England, not China. He also brought home tea, a variety of candy for the kids, that was an interesting experience trying what they have there, same candy different name, tea biscuits for dd and I to have at our "tea parties", he went to a bookstore in Cambridge and purchased a classic English children's book for dd, and of course he save some currency for the kids. We are planning a vacation there when dd gets older.

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Oh, that sounds like so much fun! My favourite part about Harrod's was visiting Father Christmas' Grotto. The line up was always about 2 hours long but so worth it. They had children's entertainers to keep the kids in line amused, girls would come around with baskets of lolly pops, bottles of water, and biscuits. Then we'd see Santa, get a free book, have our pictures taken and go home. They were so busy that they had set it up like a reindeer stable with a different door for each reindeer. They told the kids that Santa was in Dasher's stall, but obviously there were Santa's in each and every stall. I love Harrod's.

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