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my daughter's website

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Over the last 4 years of high school, my daughter has developed a love of many things!  Writing and marketing are two of the big ones, thanks to her leadership roles in Key Club and NaNoWriMo.  For her senior year, I let her design a Media & Marketing class (senior project) in which she has developed her own website as a sort of marketing tool for colleges to see what she has done/is doing.  She was able to get an internship at a marketing firm, and is looking for an internship at a graphic design firm now, as well as trying to learn to build a website from scratch instead of using a service like Wix. She also has a blog and has been writing some wonderful articles!  I thought I would share in hopes that it will be encouraging to you:) She worked really hard her first 3 years of high school and has enjoyed being able to explore her interest before heading off to college, not to mention that she has gained a lot of skills that she can use for employment while in college and avoid working at fast food places!


I hope you enjoy her writing and are encouraged in homeschooling your high schoolers!



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