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stupid wind it's really got me down

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Well it looks like we are in for several days of higher than normal winds 20-25 mph with gust up to 35mph. For most people this is not a problem. For me this means not going outside much. I love to walk outside, especially in the fall. Enter 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Sjogren's an autoimmune disease that includes a reduction of tears. I have to put gel in my eyes to walk outside on a light wind day. With high winds I just can't keep them moist enough to go outside. If they get dry my eyelids adhere to my eye and then layers are pulled off when I open my eyes. This results in very burred vision and very red painful eyes (basically I don't want to go there) So I am stuck inside and must use the treadmill (I am very grateful to have a nice treadmill) I know I could have a lot worse problems but this is one of those times that I am accutely aware that this stupid disease is always with me. I have to have eyedrops and water with me where ever I go (I also I decrease saliva) Needless to say I am a bit down today. I wish I could cry but I can't. Could someone have a good cry for me.

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I shall try - perhaps weird perimenopause symptoms will kick me into crying mode.

I live on a hill in the Great Plains and those windy days get on my nerves and I don't even have tear duct problems. My dh bought himself a pair of "antique" russian aviator goggles to wear on windy days, summer and winter. they are good at filtering light specifically for pilots and they have leather panels that help seal off the eye area. well, here see for yourself if you're curious, dh didn't buy from this seller but they're the same thing:



would something like those or ski goggles or swimmer's goggles protect your eyes enough? My Mother's tear ducts don't work properly, I forget the exact name for issue. She wears those sunglasses though that wrap around her regular glasses but those probably don't seal off the eye area as well. Best of luck - "I know from wind". - Jill in ND

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We have the Santa Ana winds here, they really kick in during October and March. Very high winds that sometimes go on and on for days at a time. They trigger very severe migraines for me, and make my allergies worse.


Sorry to hear about your Sjogrens. I have dry eyes too (nothing like what you have to deal with) and I know how uncomfortable they can be.

Michelle T

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I shall try - perhaps weird perimenopause symptoms will kick me into crying mode.

I live on a hill in the Great Plains and those windy days get on my nerves and I don't even have tear duct problems. My dh bought himself a pair of "antique" russian aviator goggles to wear on windy days, summer and winter. they are good at filtering light specifically for pilots and they have leather panels that help seal off the eye area. well, here see for yourself if you're curious, dh didn't buy from this seller but they're the same thing:



would something like those or ski goggles or swimmer's goggles protect your eyes enough? My Mother's tear ducts don't work properly, I forget the exact name for issue. She wears those sunglasses though that wrap around her regular glasses but those probably don't seal off the eye area as well. Best of luck - "I know from wind". - Jill in ND



The goggles looks great, sadly I can't use them because I also need ones that will fit over my glasses. I wear the wrap around type to walk outside. Thank you for posting the links though. I have tried to get perscription goggles but my prescription is to strong for those too. Obviously I have major eye issues. I am just grateful I can see at all somedays.

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