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How to finish AOPS sequence after taking a year "off"

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My 13 yo completed AoPS pre algebra and then the first 14 chapters of introductory algebra. We made the mutual decision to move to geometry with a standard text (Jurgensen's), and he has done very well, but wants to go back to AoPS when he's done. He likes the challenge and enjoys the way the material is taught.


So we would go ahead and finish Introductory Algebra, while also working on Counting and Probability, which he has not done yet.


Then what? Can we skip intro to Geometry and move on to Intermediate Algebra? Or are there topics in the AOPS geometry book that are necessary before moving on to the later books? If it were a matter of just a few weeks to go over some missed topics, we could do that, but I wouldn't want to have to take another entire semester or more to do the full geometry book. What do you think?

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I think you can do that- move ahead into intermediate algebra. You can view their scope and sequence online and if there is anything not covered in Jurgensen u can cover that before moving on. I am not sure if AOPS covers anything not in other books. It just covers them in more depth and rigor. We did geometry by ourselves but my child did the intermediate online class and though it was tough going, she did very well and learnt a lot in the class

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I'd pick back up with finishing the Intro to Algebra book.


The Counting and Probability book is great, but it is not traditionally taught in public schools so it isn't as necessary. I did it along side the algebra book alternating chapters from the books. It is a fun book and one of my favorite.


I think you can skip the geometry book if you've done a traditional geometry course. It is not necessary to have done the AoPS geometry book to move into the harder AoPS books.


It is up to you whether you move on to AoPS Intermediate Algebra or move on to a traditional precalculus.

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Not quite addressing your question, but if you are concerned about the coverage of geometry being sufficient, perhaps you could have your son work through geometry topics on Alcumus?  That would probably be more at efficient at filling holes than trying to cover the book.

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