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Science Shepherd vs. Apologia vs. BJU


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I'm struggling to pick a science curriculum for next year. I am definitely leaning toward a dvd-driven curriculum at this point. My oldest will be in 4th grade in the fall.


I really like what I see with Science Shepherd - Introductory Science. It looks great, but there is almost no information out there about people using it and their opinions on it. I'm really hoping there are people on this site that have used it and are willing to share their thoughts about it.


I even looked at Supercharge Science but crossed that off the list after finding negative reviews about it.


Also, what are your thoughts about BJU science and their dvds?



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My 2nd grader is using the Science Shepherd Introductory Science set this year. I would NOT use it with a typical 4th grader. They really overestimated the grade range on that set. Even if you fleshed out every week with extra books the exercises would be too simplistic, and you'd be down to just a 2-3 minute video daily.


That said, it's not something I would have bought on my own (we won it in a drawing), but my second grader adores it. She is using the 4th-6th grade book and can generally do the workbook with one arm tired behind her back.

Edited by SilverMoon
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Now that I'm not on my phone, we blogged an early review of Intro Science that has much more detail than my previous post. Now that DD is over halfway through the book my opinions are pretty much the same. I would only add that your kid will be an expert on knowing that God made it. I thought that would wane as we progressed through the book, but it comes back up for every new topic. It's a general science course with many topics. This does not bother my 7yo one iota, and she now runs the course independently.

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I bought Science Shepherd to use with my kids - grades 5th, 4th, and 2nd this year. It is way too easy for my 4th and 5th graders. My second grader likes it and retains the information but it is probably too easy for him too. I'm sticking with it just because I don't want to buy anything else at this point but I won't use it again with my other kids. :( I'm disappointed because I had such high hopes for it. 


I really like Apologia but it just never got done. I don't know why. I'm still on the hunt for the "perfect" elementary science curriculum. 

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Does Science Shepherd offer anything for 5th grade and older?


We currently use BFSU (Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding). I really love how the curriculum is designed - to be totally hands on, lots of living books, etc... - however, it takes a lot of mental attention on my part to "get it done" properly. I enjoy science and was very excited to teach it to my children, but I found myself getting busy with everything else that science (and history) got done when it got done. We are just starting the "B" thread in the book, which I find pretty pathetic given we started in September and have two third graders and a second grader, all who enjoy and get science.


I realize I need support through the use of dvds (possibly) or a book that is more open and go. Maybe BJU is a better option for us and I could heavily supplement with living books. I'm at my library weekly picking up books.


What about Mr. Q? I just think it looks rather slim in terms of content. What are your opinions about Mr. Q? I'm all over the place with science!



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We've used the BJU DLO since 6th grade. It's fabulous, but like other have said it's THOROUGH and very detail oriented. I wouldn't recommend starting it before 6th grade at the earliest. I think 7th is a good transition point to more academic, structured science. Mrs Vick does 6th and 7th grades and she's excellent. I would estimate the BJU takes an hour a day, 5 days a week for 6-7th grades.

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For those of you who use the BJU DL program, what did you use in the younger grades?


FriedClams - Would you recommend using the BJU textbook for 4th and 5th grade (not the DL) or do you think that is still too structured?


I just received the Weekly Studies for Science and think it's awesome. I will definitely include that for next year in 4th grade and maybe the BJU textbook for more detailed instruction. I think I will wait for the DL a year or two.


Last question, is the DL a dvd or do you login with other students and its a live session?

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