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S/O Columbus thread....Did Marco Polo travel to China?

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I remember reading some where that Marco Polo may not have actually traveled to China, in fact he may never have left Italy. All the adventures he wrote about were stories he had collected from travelers and sailors that had been there.


No I don't remember where I read this, but do you think that Marco Polo did travel to China or not?

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I think he did. Did he do everything he says he did? Who knows. All writers tend to exaggerate a little here and there. I have read one comment on this topic that I find very realistic. It goes somewhat along the line of, the only thing that would be more amazing that Marco Polo's journey would be someone collecting that much data about the area during the period of his life.

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I believe without question, that he did. Below is an excellent book full of information. It has oodles of citations pulled together from a variety of resources on the areas that the Polo's most likely did, or did not visit.


The information is too coincidental for the trip to have not happened.


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I believe without question, that he did. Below is an excellent book full of information. It has oodles of citations pulled together from a variety of resources on the areas that the Polo's most likely did, or did not visit.


The information is too coincidental for the trip to have not happened.



Looks like a great book, thanks for the recommendation! :001_smile:

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