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*Not* outsourcing High School English-- what are you using at home

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I used Classic Writing for writing and I can't sing its praises enough.  My dd (grade 11) is taking an English course in university this year and is so confident with her writing.  This post elaborates more on the program.  


I also had her take the Lukeion Muse on the Loose course, A Survey of Greek Literature, which was the best course she's ever taken.  The teacher exposes the students to high level literature but at a level that is appropriate, yet still has high expectations.  I also have her in a Centre for Lit (Teaching the Classics) Socratic discussion class, which was great for preparing her for university, where you need to discuss for marks.  I'm so pleased with how our English journey turned out ...... :thumbup1:  with Math, not so much .......  :sad:

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We used Excellence in Literature for all non-outsourced high school English. There is no explicit writing instruction though. They do write papers and there are examples and grading rubrics.


My oldest went from that to AP English and from there to college with no problems.


My youngest went from there to Blue Tent Honors English 2 (which we didn't like) and then to College Composition at the CC. 


Hi. I also had decided on Blue Tent English 2 for Dd next year and would love to know what didn't work for you? Please feel free to PM me and thank you so much for the help! :)

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