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IEW Poetry: Good for older beginners?


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IN looking at the IEW poetry website, they list it for levels P,A,B, and C.

I am assuming those are levels of competency rather than age/grade levels, but I am not familiar with IEW and therefore do not know what these levels stand for. Rainbow resource lists the program as being suitable for K-Adult. Is that really true? I see many of you use this with young children. Would it be suitable for a 5th grader to begin with? I am now leaning toward this instead of CW Poetry, perhaps using CW poetry for older beginners later.


Thanks in advance!!!

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Yes, you can use it for all ages. The program starts with very easy poems and goes all the way through to long and more difficult passages. So with an older child, you could skip the first level or just move quickly through it, which is what I did with my dd who was 10 when we first started. My son was 5 when we started and he loved listening to the poems in the car. I found by just playing the CD in the car they would memorize the poems without really even trying.


Plus IEW has a lifetime money back guarantee. So you can try it and send it back if you don't like it.


I have been very happy with the program, and everyting else from IEW.





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Classical Writing Poetry for Beginners and IEW's Developing Linguistic Patterns Through Poetry Memorization are quite different programs. We are using IEW's Developing Linguistic Patterns for our memory work, and my kids (ages 6 and 10) love it. The poems are fun, there is a nice mix, and the system for reviewing poems so that they are not quickly forgotten is good.

Classical Writing's Poetry for Beginners is designed for teaching poetry analysis, not for memorizing. There are only twelve poems in Student Workbook A, and the focus is on understanding rhyme scheme, stanzas, meter, poetic terms, etc. They are both good programs, but completely different. IEW also has a program called The Grammar of Poetry, which appears to be more similar to the Classical Writing program, but I haven't really looked at that one.

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Classical Writing Poetry for Beginners and IEW's Developing Linguistic Patterns Through Poetry Memorization are quite different programs. We are using IEW's Developing Linguistic Patterns for our memory work, and my kids (ages 6 and 10) love it. The poems are fun, there is a nice mix, and the system for reviewing poems so that they are not quickly forgotten is good.

Classical Writing's Poetry for Beginners is designed for teaching poetry analysis, not for memorizing. There are only twelve poems in Student Workbook A, and the focus is on understanding rhyme scheme, stanzas, meter, poetic terms, etc. They are both good programs, but completely different. IEW also has a program called The Grammar of Poetry, which appears to be more similar to the Classical Writing program, but I haven't really looked at that one.


Thanks so much. for some reason the CW website does not work with my brain; I was having trouble 'seeing' the program even though they spelled it out for me:).

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I started it with my kids when they were about 10 and 12. I wouldn't skip those early poems- they really developed a love of memorising poetry with my kids.

In fact, now that we have got to the later poems, I pick and choose much more carefully because many dont appeal to us at all- but those first poems are all just a hoot!

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