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How did you manage to wait? (college applications, then waiting for reply)

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How did you manage to wait a year for it to be time for your DC to apply to college? And how did you manage to wait after sending in the apps?


As others' acceptances start trickling in, I find myself not being able to concentrate. I am supposed to be working on a project for a client but keep checking back here to see who's DC has been accepted. I am so excited, so happy for everyone BUT just SO nervous for my own boy. He is accelerated, has skipped a few years and is planning to apply next year.


If you have a junior or senior, and/ or your DC decided to graduate early/ apply earlier, how on earth did you manage to wait till the next fall without falling to pieces? Yes, Luckymama I am thinking of you too lol.


I am so happy for everyone with acceptances and at the same time so convinced that I DID ruin him somehow (although he is happy, and doing well, but it's so hard to know what "well" is these days). Is it imposter syndrome? Is it just homeschool mom nerves? Is it because I only have one kid and need to find another hobby/job/house project already? Maybe I'm feeling it hard because I don't have experience going to school here? And I think I definitely feel it because I live near the Silicon Valley and the culture here is so competitive (but we are not taking the AP + multiple award-worthy research/ internships route).


I can't be alone feeling this way right? I'd love to know how the last year of waiting before sending in college applications and then waiting to hear back from colleges was like for you. Was it busy with testing? Scrambling to get transcripts/ descriptions written? Any of you applied to only one school (DS is contemplating this)?

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:lol: Thanks for thinking of me!


Personally: I research schools to see if anything else might fit dd's 2 requirements. I exercise, hard, six days a week. I bite my tongue a lot (She's gotten to the point she wants to control everything about her schedule. I get that, but she tends to push off the non-favorite subjects.)


With dd: lots and lots of talk about Plan A for next summer (still waiting for the interview email) and sorting out Plan B options (running into lots of problems with being underage), discussions about starting visits next month and about course work for next year...


So much testing is being smushed into this year. I had such beautiful plans!


Dd vacillates between supreme confidence and imposter syndrome.

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Just practice patience. I have a daughter who is a radically accelerated student. She will graduate from college in May and the waiting never stops.  We are always waiting on an application for one thing or another.  Always envisioning plans A,B and C.  Right now we are waiting on paperwork for a summer internship with a government agency.  She has a conditional job offer but we are waiting on security paperwork and polygraph results.  That may or may not lead to a permanent job offer but of course we won't know until the end of the summer.  We are also waiting on the results of seven applications for PhD programs. Oh, and two other job applications as well.  So many possible routes to take and all involve waiting and patience.

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:lol: Thanks for thinking of me!


Personally: I research schools to see if anything else might fit dd's 2 requirements. I exercise, hard, six days a week. I bite my tongue a lot (She's gotten to the point she wants to control everything about her schedule. I get that, but she tends to push off the non-favorite subjects.)


With dd: lots and lots of talk about Plan A for next summer (still waiting for the interview email) and sorting out Plan B options (running into lots of problems with being underage), discussions about starting visits next month and about course work for next year...


So much testing is being smushed into this year. I had such beautiful plans!


Dd vacillates between supreme confidence and imposter syndrome.


Luckymama, I would love to be a fly on your wall just to be more inspired. I think I am failing him already by not doing enough research. His single college choice at the moment makes it harder. I feel like I already know what to do for this college (but getting in will be another matter entirely). Plan B is actually quite crazy but seems like the only other option and Plan C requires him to be at least a year older. There is a Plan D too but it is WAY too expensive, even more expensive than Plan A. Will try to be grateful that I can at least plan that far. The bolded is us too. Didn't foresee this and should have planned ahead sooner re testing. But he has time so I will try not to panic. The last bit is me, I just keep vacillating. DS is being really cool and taking it all in his stride (but wait till he has to start on the essays...ugh).


Just practice patience. I have a daughter who is a radically accelerated student. She will graduate from college in May and the waiting never stops.  We are always waiting on an application for one thing or another.  Always envisioning plans A,B and C.  Right now we are waiting on paperwork for a summer internship with a government agency.  She has a conditional job offer but we are waiting on security paperwork and polygraph results.  That may or may not lead to a permanent job offer but of course we won't know until the end of the summer.  We are also waiting on the results of seven applications for PhD programs. Oh, and two other job applications as well.  So many possible routes to take and all involve waiting and patience.


Thank you so much for chiming in. I don't dare look that far ahead right now but it is SO helpful to know what else to expect. Is this your 18yo DD? Did she go away to school young or did she stay at home? Still wondering if DS is being limited by his one-school local choice, or whether we should just go with it because of his age and hope for the best. Then think about dorm life or transferring to one of the further away dream schools his junior year. Patience is not my strength but I will try. Thanks again Tania!

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