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My baby is having a gastroscopy tomorrow

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and I am so torn about it.


On one hand he is taking way more losec than he should be to control his reflux, there is a family history of a rare allergic condition that could cause tissue damage to his throat, and we can't introduce many foods unless we know whether they could harm him - these would include wheat, dairy, beef, chicken, soy, salycilates, possibly rice and more.


But on the other hand he is so tiny and I keep second guessing myself as he doesn't seem at all sick - he seems perfectly fine.


But in the last few days since I cut down his losec dose to a normal adult level, and have been giving him biscuits with wheat in, he has been unsettled, waking screaming, refluxy and has vomited three times.


I know that doing this diagnostic surgery is the right thing and it will give us an answer one way or the other. But emotionally I am so torn at putting a wee baby through it. sad.gif It sucks being a parent and having to make this kind of decision.

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He had such severe reflux that he was continually aspirating his own vomit, and they went in to look at his throat, opening to stomach, and way down into his lungs.


His lungs were full of curdled looking milk.


Anyway, the procedure itself was no problem. He was fine afterwards.


He did eventually outgrow the reflux at around 18 months. We thought he was going to need surgery, thankfully he did not. He was on propulsid for a long time though, a medication that is now off the market.


Hope everything goes well, and keep us posted!

Michelle T

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