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How do you find which colleges have specific programs?


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We are at the very beginning of the college search for my HS junior.  I'd like to set up some college tours over the next few months, but I'm not even sure how to begin. 


He and I both think he'll need some specific disability support services.   He's also interested in 2 very specific sets of majors, one if which is pretty common, and one of which is much less common.  And of course, on top of that, he'll need a school that roughly matches his ACT scores and GPA and probably develop preferences about school size, and weather, and urban vs. rural, and distance from home.

I've spent some time on the College Confidential website, but I think I need more resources.  Does anyone have other resources to suggest, particularly ones that will provide some info on disability support services?


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Each university will have information on disability supports on their web site. Look for "Student Disability Services" or "Office of Disability Services." You will need to make sure you have his diagnostic documentation in order. Schools vary on how recent in needs to be. Within the past three years seems to be typical. 


Try the college search function on The College Board website - it is a good place to get started, I think. 

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