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PH Science Explorer and Plato Science ...


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I bought all the individual books and am wondering how...or DOES anyone actually get through all 5 books in one school year? How do you break it down?


I couldn't resist getting Plato Science too but some lessons seem so long. i don't know if one could do both curriculums in one day.


How many days a week and time per lesson do you do? ( We are somewhat limited in time in afternoons as dds have piano and violin lessons twice a week and require lots of drive time.)


We are already in our 2nd week of school and I do not have a plan or schedule! I don't want to wing it again another year!!! Any help or feedback would be appreciated!!




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My goal is to complete three PH Science Explorer books this year. Our schedule is one section per day which takes an hour or less. I also add in Lab Days and Test Days.


I don't think I've heard of anyone who completes five PH books in a year. If someone does without omitting lab work or testing, I'm :bigear:.

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The way I see it... when it is being used in a school, the students would be meeting for 50-ish minutes five days per week, while doing all of the reading and workbook activities outside of class time. I have the teacher planning CD for the series that schedules out your class time, and it only includes time for discussion and labs.


Therefore, unless you plan to devote 10-ish hours per week to science, I don't see how you could get through all 5 books in 36 weeks.


Just one opinion, from one mom, with one kid who asks so many questions that we may not get through ONE book per year. :)

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I have the single volume of Prentice Hall Science Explore~Life Science. This text has five units. Each unit is broken down into sections varying in number from as few as two to as many as five. If we cover 2.5 sections a week we will finish the text by the end of the school year (35 weeks remaining). This seems like a very realistic plan to my DD.



Can you break each of the individual book's units down into sections? ( It may already be done for you.) If you can, then divide the total number of sections by the remaining weeks left in your school year.


I hope this helps,


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