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if you use wood to heat your house...


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We don't use our fireplace to heat our home, but I've been allowing ds since he was about 10 to start the fire and add logs throughout the night. It makes him feel "manly." :) Dh showed him how to stack the logs and such.


The girls don't really have any interest to start the fire but they will add a log if the flames are gone and they want to roast marshmallows.



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We have an exterior wood boiler with radiant floor heat. The boys have been starting wood fires since they were 11 or 12 and once it is going for the heating season it is a matter of feeding it not starting it again unless we go on vacation in which case we switch to the propane boiler so we do not have frozen pipes. Then it must be started again and a stone cold boiler takes some babysitting to get a good fire going. They pay attention to dh and have learned the tricks.

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We partially heat with a wood stove. I start the fire because I love to do it and I like to stack the wood a particular way. But once I get it going, my boys know how to regulate the temperature and feed the fire. I'm sure they could start the fire on their own if I let them, lol.


They also, stack wood, stock my indoor wood rack, and the sixteen year old chops wood.

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We use the fireplace to heat our home. I let my 9 year old DS add wood to the fire unassisted and he assists me in building the fire. I'm guessing that he will be ready to start it himself next year. 7 year old DS only adds wood inder supervision. Neither child is allowed to clean the stove as there are sometimes hot embers in the ash.

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