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CW Aesop--analyze spelling


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We've used Spell to Write and Read in the past, so I had ds use the same method in his first CW Aesop lesson.


I have him read the word, then say how many syllables it has, then say the syllables one at a time, breaking them up into their individual sounds as he writes them. I clarify any of the phongrams that might be ambiguous. Then, he dictates the sounds back to me as I write them up on the board. We go over any markings (for example, underlining a long vowel at the end of a syllable or marking a small 2 over a phonogram that makes its second sound) and we're done.


You'd really have to be familiar with the phonograms & spelling rules/markings of this system to use the spelling analysis section this way. You could just work on spelling words your own way, though, if you'd rather not get that involved. :)



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When we did it we would look at five or so words, and then try to think of similar words -- either words with the same prefix, or words that followed the same structure; I would pick out some element of that word and we would focus on that. But it wasn't a major exercise for us, maybe 10-15 minutes?


We also do Spelling Workout, I looked at the spelling aspect of Aesop as kind of a fun thing to think of related words.


Probably not helpful...

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so I don't do the analysis. However, I have my son write the words and look them up in the dictionary instead because he needs to improve his dictionary skills. Then he looks them up in the thesaurus and writes down the "related word". This gives him ideas for words to use in his story. This is working very well!

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