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Any experience on using Clear Play?

Peaceful Isle

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We've used ClearPlay DVD for 7-8 years and have had 2 of their DVD players. The process became more streamlined between the two players we've used and the one we still have is pretty old.


I highly recommend it! It has been fabulous to watch trendy movies and television as a family and filter out what we don't want to see or hear. (We've just had to be careful about what we recommend to friends as it has allowed us to watch shows we NEVER would have watched without the filtering.) It has also been nice to be able to lessen the filter settings as my dc have gotten older as we're not usually worried about the violence level anymore but can still keep stronger filtering of s*x scenes so we never see those.


I imagine the new players are even better. Streaming would be wonderful! I think you should definitely give it a try.


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We've had it in the past, so all of my information is several years old. It does a good job of filtering, but the (older) kids objected that it interfered with the flow of the movie. We did have the filters set pretty high, though. There are different categories that you can choose to filter, based on your comfort level -- so swearing can be set separately from violence, etc. I did have problems with downloading the filters on my Mac, though my husband's PC didn't have a problem (hopefully that's gotten better). You will need to download new filters regularly to keep up with new releases. It was a very useful tool during a period in our life.

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Thank you ladies for all the info! I really think this might be the way to go for my young teen. She is really into super heros and I would love for her to watch the movies. The violence does not bother me much, but taking God's name in vain and s e x ual content does. I saw how you can be specific in what you want or don't want, and that is awesome.



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