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What we decided 8th grade

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You have all been so helpful helping me decide on what to use for my girls as I scrambled at the last minute, I wanted to share the final decisions.


Lit / Writing - BraveWriter Helps for High School

- We made a booklist together of 25 books that we would read this year, we will analyze 10 (one per month) using Smoop Guides or Sparknotes as a guide for me.

- Analytical Grammar (on order)

- Wordly Wise vocabulary


Algebra 1 - AOPS


History - The Big History Project with all of the activities from the teacher section


Science - Unit Studies in Cemistry


Big Project that encompasses speaking, script writing and chemistry - making science videos for her YouTube channel (hoping to get this off the ground in the next few weeks - need to ask permission from the owners of the experiments first)


If anyone has any questions of suggestions, we would love to hear them!

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That all sounds awesome! I hope you guys have a great year.


My 8th grader is doing BW's Kidswrite Intermediate class and will do Expository Essay in the spring - those are the two online classes that correspond to Help for High School.  She is really enjoying Kidswrite and learning a lot from it. I have HfHS, and could have taught it myself, but I knew I wouldn't do full justice to the assignments, they seem kind of nebulous and touchy-feely when I read through them - but they are not. They are great, really well designed and dd has learned a lot from doing them.


Big History was a huge hit here last year - my dd remarked the other day how sad she is that it's over.


I'd love to see the list of books you guys picked, if you feel like sharing!

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Sure, I'd love to share! Looking at other people's reading lists is one of my favorite things to do.


The following are the books we chose. Dd likes books with "action" in them - She actually disliked Little Women (sob!) So keep that in mind as you read this list. . . There are a few on here that she has rejected in the past (A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, My Antonia) but she has agreed to read them this year.


These are also not going to be read in this order, I just arranged it this way for my record keeping.


Watership Down

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court

A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly

The Golden Compass Trilogy

My Antonia

Around the World in 80 Days

A Break With Charity

A Wizard of Earthsea

Stardust by Neil Gaiman

Gone With The Wind

The Catcher in the Rye

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

And Then There Were None

Last of the Mohicans



Life of Pi

The Secret Life of Bees

The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr Hyde



Short Stories

The Martian Chronicles



The Crucible

Our Town




I Am Malala



The plays were her idea, and she wants to read more. She is an Actor who struggles with singing, and so wants to increase her knowledge of "straight" plays. Our family leans towards musical theater for our viewing.

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Nice!   On the plays - may I recommend Arsenic and Old Lace? You can read the play and watch the movie version too.  My dd loved it last year. She's an actor who prefers straight plays to musicals, too, so she really enjoys reading plays, watching theatrical versions, and watching movie versions and comparing them.


My dd read Bradbury's Invisible Man this year, and loved it. She is also going to be reading Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy and Frankenstein this year.  She really enjoyed Dr. Jekyll and And Then There Were Young last year.


Have a great year!

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Life of Pi for an 8th grader? Okay. I found that book had deep philosophical and religious themes that would be out of reach for such a young age. Not to mention the existential ending. The rest looks pretty good.

It's commonly assigned for honors middle schoolers now and there's a YA edition to boot.


I think it's an awesome looking book list, by the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Life of Pi for an 8th grader?  Okay. I found that book had deep philosophical and religious themes that would be out of reach for such a young age. Not to mention the existential ending.  The rest looks pretty good.


For the OP, Life of Pi is the Brave Writer Boomerang Book Club October selection, if you're interested in that for your DC.  FYI. :)

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That all sounds awesome! I hope you guys have a great year.


My 8th grader is doing BW's Kidswrite Intermediate class and will do Expository Essay in the spring - those are the two online classes that correspond to Help for High School.  She is really enjoying Kidswrite and learning a lot from it. I have HfHS, and could have taught it myself, but I knew I wouldn't do full justice to the assignments, they seem kind of nebulous and touchy-feely when I read through them - but they are not. They are great, really well designed and dd has learned a lot from doing them.


Big History was a huge hit here last year - my dd remarked the other day how sad she is that it's over.


I'd love to see the list of books you guys picked, if you feel like sharing!


Aaaand a thread hijack...Rose, which teacher does your DD have?  I am considering Kidswrite Intermediate in the spring.  Thanks!

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