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5yo and fine motor skills (struggling)

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My ds5 1/2 is doing the ETC Primers, Saxon Math 1 (just b/c I had the pages!). His math skills, recognizing numbers, counting, adding, etc. are good. But, his handwriting skills are seriously lacking. He can trace letters/numbers fairly well (some difficulty) but cannot for the life of him write them on his own. He really struggles. He can do it after several attempts, but gets so frustrated. This is a kid who gets frustrated VERY easily anyway...even when praised and encouraged. My question is: Should we keep on keeping on w/ the handwriting or just try and do some fine motor skill activities (tracing lines, doing mazes, playing w/ playdoh/clay, etc.) and wait on the handwriting? I don't want to frustrated him but I also don't want to hold him back. He's ready to learn letters and do math. He can finally recognize most of his letters and say the sounds. WWYD? Now that we have 2 wks under our belt, I'm ready to start MFW K w/ him as well b/c he did well w/ that last year. What say you on the handwriting?

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I'd hold off and encourage the fine motor skills in other ways you have mentioned. If it get too frustrating for them, they'll go back to holding their pencil full fisted.


This maybe a generalization, but I've found it to be true, that boys penmanship is a little slower in developing and more of a struggle than girls. For me, I just didn't want mine to hate it--so I gave it time and that worked for us.

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I did a lot of writing for my 5yo, though I'm requiring more out of her now (turned 6 in August). I didn't want that to hold her back when she was ready for greater concepts, so I either skipped the writing (Prima Latina) or let her dictate something that I'd write (some SOTW activities). This worked pretty well, and we kept up some handwriting practice at the same time, so now she's ready to do more on her own.

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Do NOT hold back on subjects he is ready to learn just because he lacks the writing skills. Work on those skills at a comfortable pace, and compensate in the other subjects. Do the math orally, use magnet numbers, you write the problems...whatever. Do not let writing hold up learning. This is a really fast way to uninspire a bright kid. My son in almost 12 now, and *still* struggles with the physical act of writing. Yes, he still has to do a lot of it, but it is still a painful experience. But, he read at age 3, and is gifted in many areas. So thats my 2c. He'll get the writing, never fear. He's still a little bunchkin.


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:iagree: I'd focus on coloring pages, sewing cards, legos, clay, etc. to build his fine motor skills and not worry about the handwriting much. Especially if he's easily frustrated - I would work on that issue apart from schoolwork as much as possible.



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Either switch or modify your reading program so it does not require writing. It is not necessary for a child to write in order to read. Persue the subjects your ds can do and be willing to write answers for him as he dictates them. Then you can continue to work gently on the writing at his pace without having it hold him back. Please don't frustrate him with too much writing at this point. The most important thing for a five year old to learn is that learning is fun and easy.


Also, if you haven't already, take a look at Handwriting Without Tears.

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Thanks everyone. That is what my "momstinct" was telling me, but I just wanted confirmation from the "hivestinct"! I won't push him. I have a feeling he'll come around soon...having a 3yo sister who IS ready for printing is a BIG motivation for him. I've been holding off on having lil sis do any formal work b/c I didn't want to make 5yo upset, KWIM? He is such a bright kid and I certainly don't want to hold him back just b/c of writing. Thanks!

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