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critique my plan!

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At the end of last school year I came up with a plan based on some conversations on the hive about art and music and would love feedback now that we're starting to implement it. I'm teaching the older two this year - 2nd grade and K4.


Monday's are our "fine arts" day when we do all the subjects that I tend to allow to fall by the wayside:

Art (including drawing, art appreciation, and monthly projects)

Music appreciation



Piano lessons

Spanish (we do this all week, not just on Mondays)


Bible (we do this all week too)


Then the rest of the week we do our "core": 






Language arts (including spelling, reading, writing)

Piano practice


I guess my biggest concern after doing it for one week and planning out week 2 is math. My choices for each subject seem to be doable and appropriate, taking approximately 2 hours to complete (and I mostly allow the K4 to join when she wants and play when she wants), but is doing math only 4 days a week a good idea? 

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Well, I'm no expert. :coolgleamA:  But last year we only did math four days a week, and dd is none the worse for it. She picks up the concepts very easily, so I guess I would say it depends on how much practice your child needs.


FWIW, we are going back to five days for math this year, at least most weeks. Our regular curriculum only takes her four days, but I'm supplementing with some advanced problem-solving material. If you don't want to do formal math every day, could you incorporate some fun games, let your child help you with cooking, or give him/her a few living math books to peruse on the fifth day instead?


I do commend you for devoting time to the fine arts. We have struggled in that area (not dd's favorite) and we are making more of an effort this year as well.

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Math 4 days a week is just fine.  Unless it turns out to not be for *your* particular child, it's totally okay.

If you're worried about going three days in a row without math, you could try moving your fine arts day to Wednesday for instance, and then it would be two days of math, skip a day, two days of math, two days of weekend.

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We do our core math curric only three days per week. The other days we do out-of-the-box math - math puzzles, math games, challenging math problems, math living books. If you start to feel too nervous letting math go one day per week, you could always look at adding in a fun math option during your artsy day.

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