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Christine Reeve's visual schedules for ASD classrooms on TPT

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These things cost money, but they seem really good to me.  I bought:


Morning Meeting Starter Kit*Preschool*Elementary (Autism; Special Ed.)


Autism Pre-K - Elementary Classroom Visual Bundle Solid Colors (special ed)


Structured Work System Starter Kit for Autism--Elementary Version


You can laugh at me and say it will flop.   :D  I was just feeling overwhelmed with all our categories and options and wanted a way to give him choice but have structure without requiring ME to make everything.  And she has all kinds of levels of things, file folder games for independent work stations, bundles, etc.  You can sift by target age/grade, category, etc.  


Turns out she co-authored a series of books including:


Setting up Classroom Spaces That Support Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders


I don't know why it took me so long to find this.  It's just what I was looking for, easy ways to implement appropriate structure.  He has such a STRONG need for choice, but without visuals the choice is driven merely by impulsivity.   I'm interest in that book but hate the thought of paying $25 for it.  Has anyone seen it?  I feel like I'm *so close* on figuring this out and just need things to click and push over the edge.  It's like I need to take all my ideas and things we have that we can do, organize them by the picture cards so he can make choices within categories, then figure out where things should happen.  But still, it seems like there are these extra nuances like the way you face the chair, the way you do things, what size of table, etc., etc. to communicate come into my world, stay put.  


Oh, I was putting things together, and Kazdin's series of tasks done to increase compliance (high probability leading to low probability) fit with the (independent) structured work systems.  It's like once you get the logic and the brain process, then the methods make sense.


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OhE, check out "behavioral momentum," too.  http://www.iloveaba.com/2014/06/behavioral-momentum.html


I sometimes will think with Kazdin, he is using some of the same ideas as with autism, but he has chosen to use more parent-friendly language.  Which is great if you just need the book.  But if you want to google for more ideas, does not give you a term to google.  I have checked out his book (or 2 books) more than once, though, lol, I do like him!  It is just not the kind of book where I am going to go "this is the only book I will ever need."  


I like that woman's Facebook a lot, I have read a lot of her back posts.  https://www.facebook.com/autismclassroomnews?fref=ts I think maybe half of her stuff might be not applicable for your son, but I find something helpful in almost every one of her posts.  The ones I skip over are about classroom set-up and classroom structure, lol.  


Oh, to your question about the book.... look through her facebook/blog (whatever) posts.  A lot about classroom set-up on her facebook/blog is about setting up a space for 10 kids, and having 3 areas, and how to do that in variously configured resource rooms you might be given.


But honestly, I think you might possibly be able to comment on her blog and just see if she thinks it is appropriate for a homeschool classroom.  She has responded to a comment I have left before.  I think she might respond to a "yes or no" question like that.  She might not answer a long, convoluted, specific question that would take a ton of time to get into.  


You also might just be able to get some ideas from her posts.  

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See, these are good ideas, but I don't know that they are what you are looking for.  I kind-of don't think they are what you are looking for, but maybe they are, lol.  


At the bottom of this post she says "if you like these ideas, check out my book," so...

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See, these are good ideas, but I don't know that they are what you are looking for.  I kind-of don't think they are what you are looking for, but maybe they are, lol.  


At the bottom of this post she says "if you like these ideas, check out my book," so...

Yes, yes, that's awesome!!  That's what I'm looking for is concepts I can translate into the home to solve problems.  :)

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