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Did I find a hidden treasure? About Lial's algebra...

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Hi everyone!


I've never posted on these new boards, but I've learned so much from you ladies! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom!


I've been starting to follow some of the upper level math threads, and I've heard many good things about Lial's Algebra. Well, I found a copy of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (2nd edition, 2002), by Lial, Hornsby, and McGinnis yesterday at a thrift store for $1.00. Can anyone tell me if this book can be used with any of the video programs out there? It appears there is now a 3rd edition out--does this render my copy obsolete? For the price I paid, it seems like there ought to be a way to make this work? :) My oldest is in 4th, so I have a little while before we'd need to use this.


I'd really appreciate any insight!



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using that edition with a later series of DVT's. I think the editions only vary slightly from one another (although, obviously an 8th edition might be quite a bit different from, say, a 2nd edition). Jann in TX seems to be our resident Lial's expert---she's more well-versed on editions than I am. I did not used the combined edition; I used separate editions of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra. I've used the 7th and 8th editions with Introductory Algebra and the 8th edition with the Intermediate Algebra.


Reall, I think you would be fine, but if Jann doesn't respond to this thread, try sending her a private message (PM) and I'm sure she'll be able to help you out.

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Here's what Jann said in another post concerning this book:


"You may find other 'combination' texts such as Introductory AND Intermediate Algebra in one huge text. I really DO NOT recommend these. These are 'special' texts designed for use specifically in remedial-REVIEW classes---community college classes for people who had Algebra YEARS ago and need a refresher that moves quickly. The Pre-Calc text is the only 'true' combination text--it has College Algebra and Trig back-to-back."


See: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23859&highlight=Introductory+Intermediate+Algebra




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Looks like you found a bargain.

This text was designed to be used as a 'refresher' course (1 semester in community college) for students who have been 'away' from Algebra for some time.


I have known of homeschoolers who have used this text successfully--over 1.5-2 years.


The good thing about it is that it will make a GREAT reference text (even if you decide to use a different program when it is time). I always suggest that my students try to have a different text available to gain a different perspective (there are many ways to work the same problem correctly).


If you look at the back cover of your text (sometimes inside cover) you should be able to tell if there were any 'Reel to Real' or 'Digital Video Tutors' made for your text. These are names for the video (computer based) lessons that support the text. http://www.ecampus.com has most of the titles available--even for older editions.




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Thank you so much for your help, everyone! Jann, I really like your idea of having this text as a reference. At the price I paid, I won't feel too guilty if we choose to go with a different program, especially if we can still get some value out of it.


Thanks also to Karen and Michelle for weighing in! I really appreciate all of your thoughts!!

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