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Dancing with the Stars--Live!


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No, this isn't a scam post :) but I'm sure the title will make people wonder---


Have any of you gone to see this?  I have never even seen the tv show, lol, but as a favor, I am having the (ahem) privilege of spending an evening at this event, even with a VIP package.  I'm a little nervous--DH and I watched a youtube clip of Val and Rumer Willis (?) from the show, and I was like, what have I gotten myself into???  Totally not my thing.


And with the VIP stuff ("meet the stars!", "photo op!", "crowd-free fan shopping!"), it's committing me to, oh, about 5 hours worth of DWTS.  Which, again, i have NEVER watched and really know very little about, except the basic premise--


But the person I am going with is a HUGE fan and it is very important to them to see this show, and I am happy that they were comfortable enough to ask me to go with them, to do something that is huge on their bucket list.  And, hey, they bought my ticket, so--I'm going to have some fun! it's just outside of my experience and comfort zone :)


BUT--what am I getting myself into?  If you have seen the live show, can you tell me what it is like?  Other than watching episodes before I go (prefer not to), can you give me a heads-up on how to help it be a fun evening? :)



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