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Math for short-term memory deficiency


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My rising 3rd grade ds has been diagnosed with short-term memory deficiency. The developmental pediatrician recommended a highly incremental math program with lots of review. So far we've been using a medley of Math Mammoth, Ray's and Life of Fred. I've been less than systematic in facts practice, using flash cards, xtramath, and various games to reinforce.


I was planning to reorganize our MM lessons to spread out review, possibly adding another source to make fact practice more intentional. But I've been lurking on the boards and reading about CLE and Horizons, and I'm wondering if a switch would be sanity-preserving.


My rising 1st dd is so far not a fan of the MM workbook, so a switch may be in order anyway. I hesitate to add the learning curve of a new program to my plate, but bottom line I need to find what will be best for my kiddos...

Opinions and insight greatly appreciated!

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Which is better for a person with short term memory problems, trying to do "facts practice" with continual review to boost memorization, or to learn mental math strategies that make quick calculations (that don't rely on memorization) easier?



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Which is better for a person with short term memory problems, trying to do "facts practice" with continual review to boost memorization, or to learn mental math strategies that make quick calculations (that don't rely on memorization) easier?




Depends on the kiddo and the overall nature of their LD.  My eldest child has some issues with memory relating to her dyscalculia and overall math disability.  Mental math strategies do.not.compute with her.  At all.  

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Incremental with plenty of review (without over-kill/drudgery in our opinion) is the definition of CLE math here.


My son has extremely poor sustained attention (in life and in cognitive testing). I mean he has almost no ability to focus. So, while he doesn't have a short term memory deficit, getting stuff in is extremely difficult. CLE has been a fantastic fit for this one. If he didn't tune in for this problem, or the entire lesson...he's going to see it again and again and again....it's going to sink in finally. This has taken the stress off, and he's learning and retaining. I add Singapore FAN math Process Skills, because CLE is weak in word problems. I add some conceptual when needed using Education unboxed and/or AOPS videos. There is less need for that than I expected. CLE is really a great way to learn for long term retention. I think it would be worth a try.

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I would also highly recommend CLE. It's incredibly thorough, built in, spiral cumulative reviews have been such a wonderful thing for our children. It has been much less of a truffle for them than MM (much better visual layout).

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