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Besides Audible....


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We recently discovered Scribd.com for books and audiobooks. You pay $8.99 a month and have unlimited access. The titles can be downloaded to your device for offline listening/reading or listened to online. They have a LOT of titles and we've been able to find almost anything we're looking for.


We don't have access to Overdrive from our local library, and it would cost us about the same as a Scribd subscription to get a library card from a nearby big city, but then we'd have to deal with waiting for books to come available when they are in use by others and only being able to check them out for a limited time. Scribd has none of these issues.


The downside (compared to Audible) is that with Scribd you don't own the books. So if you discontinue your subscription, I imagine the books you've downloaded disappear.

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Librivox is free but not always great. There can be multiple narrator voices for a book. I've been listening to Les Miserables unabridged, and it's really been hit or miss. One lady had such a strong accent that I just made a note to go back and physically read the chapter rather than listen. It was just torturous trying to make out what she was saying. But some narrators are fabulous too. it's free and super easy to use.


Also sometimes the Jim Weiss mp3s on Amazon are a good price. I got some albums for $2-4, although I think full price is $7-9. You just have to check. There's quite a variety in his repertoire--fairy tales, Shakespeare, historical fiction. We listen to them on the free Amazon music app so it's seamless and easy to use for me. The Shakespeare one is currently free for Amazon Prime members.

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If a family member has a documented learning disability including, but not limited to, dsylexia and blindness, you can apply to Learning Ally. This non-profit has hundreds of thousands of human read audio books and textbooks to download using their computer and/or apple/android apps.  I have used them for 2 years now and many of the books have a benefit of having highlighted text follow the audio.  First year at a discount through Homeschool Buyers Co-Op and $120/ yr afterwards for unlimited books.

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